The culture of death!
"Marxism is the pathway to the Caliphate."
I fear this comment may be true! communists, socialists, marxist, chavezists, Liberals and the like are as hate filled as the Muslims, the only difference is that lefties are a tad more squeamish when it comes to spilling blood!
Although having said that, lefties have murdered more people in the last century then Muslims have managed since Mohammed's time, perhaps the blending of pychotic Islamic terror with the state run massacres of the socialist politburo will result in billions more dead?
"You love life, we love death" so says Osama Bin Laden. The lefties love death too, abortion, euthanasia, gulags, 're-education camps', Pol Pot's Cambodia, Mao Tse Tung's China, Stalin's Russia, Hilter's Germany and perhaps Chavez' Venezuela?
Europe is sliding gently almost imperceptibly into tyranny! It has rejected Christ and embraced the culture of death that is epitomised by atheism and Islam, converting from one culture of death to another aint that hard, perhaps Europe will become Islamic before very long?
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