Jihad taught in Universities!
I'm sure that to some the idea of Jihad being taught in universities in England would appall. What I'm wondering is, how come it took this long for anyone to find out? When I was at uni I remember talking to Muslims about their faith, as a young and fired up Christian I wanted especially to convert a Muslim, I talked to them, attempted to see things from their side, socialised as best I could with people who's idea of socialising is holding a hate conference about America or Israel.
What I discovered was that these people were consumed with hatred, they were diligent, I will give them that, they were devout, they ate only halal foods, they prayed 5 times daily, model Muslims. That was the problem!
I am not saying they were evil, they were not, they were just hopelessly lost, led astray by Satan and his false prophet Mohammed. I read the Koran and most of it is gibberish non-sense, some of it is fine, some of it is sinister!
It is written 'Satan appears as an angel of the light' , Mohammed claims that an the angel Gabriel(Arabic= Jibril) appeared to him when he was fasting in some caves high in the mountains above Mecca.
The Muslims I got to know at university were true Muslims, as a result they admired the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, despised the secular rulers of the Islamic world and hated the Jews. The Muslims I knew are exactly the type of men that would blow themselves up in Iraq or Israel or London. I am certain that some of them have already died in that way. The Yorkshire Post seems to have only just discovered that universities are breeding grounds for Islamic jihad.
"Higher Education Minister Bill Rammell ordered an urgent review of university Islamic courses after claiming there was evidence that "narrow and unhelpful" interpretations of Islam were available to "many" young people."
Well, as I have said, there is only one Islam, these people only follow it!
"He said: "There are weaknesses in the way young Muslims are educated about what their faith really requires."There is a concern that the teachings which the great majority of Muslims would want to stress about living in peace, protecting the vulnerable, avoiding harm to others, are sometimes sidelined."
And how does this minister know more about Islam the Muslims? What arrogance is this, Muslims are not stupid, they are devout!
"There is reason to think that in some cases students are being exposed, more than any of us would like, to wrong-headed influences, under the name of religion."In particular, exposed to teachings that either explicitly condone terrorism, or foster a climate of opinion which is at least sympathetic to terrorists' motivation.""I am worried about this, so are colleagues in Government, so above all are Muslims that I have spoken to."
Islam, I'm afraid is terrorism. It was founded by a terrorist, who terrorised his own followers, his own town people, the pagan Arabs, the Jews and Roman Christians on the frontier.
Read the entire Yorkshire Post article here
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